Shogi Server Rating

Group: 0
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
Bonanza 1727 1991 584 0.773 on line 2302
YSS 1725 194 31 0.859 2008-05-21 2300
bingo 1623 1577 894 0.638 2008-08-04 2198
gps_l 1552 1052 810 0.565 on line 2127
gps_normal 1520 2376 1451 0.621 on line 2095
Kakinoki-Test 1493 925 634 0.593 2008-07-13 2068
KShogi900 1490 144 87 0.623 2008-06-14 2065
tacos 1462 205 115 0.641 2008-06-12 2037
coredump 1325 108 76 0.585 2008-05-02 1900
spearCSA2008 1304 164 156 0.512 2008-06-27 1879
kiri-test 1299 18 16 0.532 2008-05-19 1874
gps800 1279 26 18 0.588 2008-02-20 1854
spear900_note 1203 68 69 0.496 2008-05-02 1778
spear_sd_note 1198 36 37 0.494 2008-06-10 1773
MyMove900 1154 1548 2025 0.433 on line 1729
misaki900 1020 228 427 0.348 2008-05-08 1595
usa_test 1007 138 350 0.284 2008-05-02 1582
misaki 974 50 112 0.312 2008-08-04 1549
usapyon-on-note 929 50 163 0.237 2008-04-23 1504
cat18_on_note 927 36 105 0.255 2008-04-20 1502
cat10 927 25 55 0.317 2008-04-05 1502
imai 893 25 29 0.469 2008-06-24 1468
aleag1tst 874 19 34 0.360 2008-06-23 1449
misaki 802 4 36 0.100 on line 1377
gps500 790 400 1561 0.204 on line 1365
hebiichigo 782 20 6 0.759 2008-06-30 1357
mattari_yuchan_SHUQI 730 201 702 0.223 2008-08-01 1305
ssp 710 73 202 0.267 2008-07-17 1285
garyu 620 27 198 0.122 2008-06-22 1195
mattari_yuchan_test 585 77 309 0.199 2008-06-26 1160
hebiichigo_3sec 399 1 15 0.083 2008-05-26 974
sp-yuchan_test 349 54 104 0.341 2008-06-12 924
Nanoha2008 332 1 26 0.042 2008-05-09 907
yowa_usa 110 13 245 0.052 2008-06-11 685
usa_debug -129 1 193 0.007 2008-07-01 446

Group: Not-Yet-Rated Players
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
test N/A 1 0 1.000 2008-08-04 N/A

Groups are independently rated. You can not compare rates across them.

The average of the rates in a group is always 1000.


Last modified at Mon Aug 04 23:56:35 +0900 2008

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