Shogi Server Rating

Group: 0
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
YSS 1688 163 26 0.859 2008-05-21 2300
Bonanza 1685 2248 623 0.783 on line 2297
bingo 1592 1773 914 0.660 on line 2204
gps_l 1520 1326 949 0.583 on line 2132
gps_normal 1483 2399 1524 0.611 on line 2095
Kakinoki-Test 1457 778 533 0.593 2008-07-13 2069
tacos 1426 171 97 0.638 2008-06-12 2038
KShogi900 1406 227 140 0.618 2008-08-16 2018
coredump 1288 91 64 0.585 2008-05-02 1900
spearCSA2008 1269 135 131 0.507 2008-06-27 1881
kiri-test 1264 15 13 0.532 2008-05-19 1876
gps800 1240 22 15 0.588 2008-02-20 1852
spear900_note 1168 57 58 0.496 2008-05-02 1780
spear_sd_note 1163 30 31 0.494 2008-06-10 1775
MyMove900 1125 1596 2104 0.431 on line 1737
misaki900 986 186 358 0.342 2008-05-08 1598
usa_test 971 116 294 0.284 2008-05-02 1583
misaki 937 42 95 0.309 2008-08-04 1549
usapyon-on-note 893 42 137 0.237 2008-04-23 1505
cat10 891 21 46 0.317 2008-04-05 1503
cat18_on_note 890 30 88 0.255 2008-04-20 1502
imai 864 21 24 0.469 2008-06-24 1476
misaki 853 140 593 0.191 on line 1465
aleag1tst 815 22 41 0.353 2008-08-10 1427
gps500 744 376 1574 0.193 on line 1356
hebiichigo 732 16 5 0.759 2008-06-30 1344
mattari_yuchan_SHUQI 688 201 860 0.190 on line 1300
ssp 668 73 239 0.234 2008-08-17 1280
garyu 579 23 167 0.122 2008-06-22 1191
mattari_yuchan_test 539 62 260 0.194 2008-06-26 1151
sp-yuchan_test 293 45 88 0.341 2008-06-12 905
yowa_usa 47 10 206 0.050 2008-06-11 659
usa_debug -177 1 162 0.007 2008-07-01 435

Group: Not-Yet-Rated Players
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
misaki900 N/A 0 2 0.244 2008-08-12 N/A
ymshogi_test N/A 0 17 0.017 2008-08-06 N/A

Groups are independently rated. You can not compare rates across them.

The average of the rates in a group is always 1000.


Last modified at Tue Aug 19 23:56:52 +0900 2008

$Revision: 1.19 $