Shogi Server Rating

Group: 0
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
Bonanza 1650 2818 637 0.815 on line 2383
YSS 1567 255 96 0.726 2008-10-21 2300
bingo 1553 2356 970 0.708 2008-10-28 2286
gps_l 1497 2302 1162 0.664 on line 2230
gps_normal 1431 2568 1624 0.613 on line 2164
Kakinoki-Test 1402 408 304 0.573 on line 2135
KShogi900 1382 229 179 0.561 2008-10-26 2115
tacos 1379 74 42 0.636 2008-06-12 2112
coredump 1247 39 28 0.584 2008-05-02 1980
spearCSA2008 1237 57 58 0.499 2008-06-27 1970
gps800 1205 9 6 0.588 2008-02-20 1938
spear900_note 1132 25 25 0.496 2008-05-02 1865
spear_sd_note 1126 13 13 0.494 2008-06-10 1859
MyMove900 1116 1426 2348 0.378 on line 1849
Blunder 1112 391 876 0.309 on line 1845
misaki900 948 82 157 0.343 2008-05-08 1681
usa_test 932 51 128 0.284 2008-05-02 1665
misaki 897 18 41 0.310 2008-08-04 1630
misaki 881 373 1574 0.192 2008-10-28 1614
cat10 854 9 20 0.317 2008-04-05 1587
usapyon-on-note 854 18 60 0.237 2008-04-23 1587
cat18_on_note 848 13 38 0.255 2008-04-20 1581
imai 818 9 10 0.476 2008-06-24 1551
aleag1tst 741 12 31 0.279 2008-09-07 1474
gps500 671 243 1769 0.121 2008-10-29 1404
mattari_yuchan_SHUQI 637 147 1262 0.105 2008-10-17 1370
ssp 612 42 275 0.134 2008-10-29 1345
garyu 527 10 73 0.122 2008-06-22 1260
mattari_yuchan_test 483 26 114 0.189 2008-06-26 1216
sp-yuchan_test 247 16 34 0.325 2008-06-12 980
yowa_usa N/A 4 88 0.051 2008-06-11 N/A

Group: Not-Yet-Rated Players
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
pawn N/A 0 1 0.000 2008-10-28 N/A

Groups are independently rated. You can not compare rates across them.

The average of the rates in a group is always 1000.


Last modified at Wed Oct 29 23:56:49 +0900 2008

$Revision: 1.19 $