Shogi Server Rating

Group: 0
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
YSS 1642 624 63 0.908 2008-04-01 2300
bingo 1516 401 89 0.818 2008-04-01 2174
gps_normal 1427 1585 362 0.814 2008-04-01 2085
tacos 1413 61 25 0.709 2008-03-29 2071
KShogi900 1390 272 96 0.739 2008-03-29 2048
YSS-1s 1362 50 7 0.867 2008-02-25 2020
Kakinoki-Test 1340 488 228 0.681 2008-04-01 1998
gps1000 1321 25 9 0.729 2008-02-11 1979
coredump 1138 201 162 0.553 2008-03-30 1796
gps800 1110 118 85 0.580 2008-02-20 1768
spear900_note 1076 78 79 0.496 2008-03-30 1734
misaki900 860 403 712 0.362 2008-04-01 1518
MyMove900 848 547 1107 0.331 2008-04-01 1506
usa_test 838 299 751 0.285 2008-04-01 1496
usapyon-on-note 787 117 273 0.301 2008-03-31 1445
tomi900 765 6 10 0.369 2008-02-14 1423
cat10 757 114 240 0.322 2008-03-16 1415
cat18_on_note 743 66 194 0.255 2008-03-24 1401
tomi900 743 12 31 0.289 2008-02-17 1401
misaki-on-note 740 5 10 0.360 2008-02-18 1398
gps500 739 225 745 0.232 2008-04-01 1397
ssp 632 30 147 0.172 2008-03-30 1290
garyu 579 60 328 0.155 2008-04-01 1237
Lesserkai 219 1 34 0.029 2008-04-01 877

Group: Not-Yet-Rated Players
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
spear900 N/A 6 1 0.818 2008-03-03 N/A

Groups are independently rated. You can not compare rates across them.

The average of the rates in a group is always 1000.


Last modified at Tue Apr 01 23:59:57 +0900 2008

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