Shogi Server Rating

Group: 0
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)
Bonanza 1721 1426 400 0.781 on line 2306
YSS 1715 290 47 0.860 2008-05-21 2300
bingo 1616 1470 714 0.673 on line 2201
gps4cpu 1568 13 4 0.742 2008-05-11 2153
gps_l 1535 350 269 0.565 on line 2120
gps_normal 1514 2371 1171 0.669 on line 2099
YSS-1s 1496 17 2 0.867 2008-02-25 2081
Kakinoki-Test 1482 1157 743 0.609 on line 2067
KShogi900 1480 216 131 0.622 2008-06-14 2065
tacos 1451 304 170 0.641 2008-06-12 2036
coredump 1308 162 114 0.588 2008-05-02 1893
spearCSA2008 1284 242 231 0.512 2008-06-27 1869
kiri-test 1284 28 24 0.535 2008-05-19 1869
gps800 1261 40 27 0.594 2008-02-20 1846
spear900_note 1185 102 102 0.499 2008-05-02 1770
spear_sd_note 1181 54 55 0.498 2008-06-10 1766
MyMove900 1109 1377 1858 0.426 on line 1694
misaki900 1004 340 638 0.348 2008-05-08 1589
usa_test 991 208 522 0.285 2008-05-02 1576
misaki 975 69 143 0.328 2008-05-18 1560
usapyon-on-note 915 76 243 0.239 2008-04-23 1500
tomi900 914 4 10 0.289 2008-02-17 1499
cat18_on_note 913 53 157 0.254 2008-04-20 1498
cat10 913 38 82 0.319 2008-04-05 1498
imai 895 38 43 0.474 2008-06-24 1480
aleag1tst 863 31 52 0.371 2008-06-23 1448
gps500 813 459 1369 0.251 2008-07-01 1398
hebiichigo 776 29 9 0.760 2008-06-30 1361
gabon 769 5 15 0.277 2008-06-08 1354
ssp 744 96 215 0.310 2008-06-30 1329
mattari_yuchan_SHUQI 693 170 298 0.363 2008-07-01 1278
garyu 624 42 295 0.126 2008-06-22 1209
mattari_yuchan_test 580 114 460 0.200 2008-06-26 1165
hebiichigo_3sec 394 2 24 0.079 2008-05-26 979
Lesserkai 369 1 28 0.037 2008-05-30 954
sp-yuchan_test 347 80 155 0.341 2008-06-12 932
Nanoha2008 328 1 38 0.042 2008-05-09 913
yowa_usa 108 20 363 0.052 2008-06-11 693
usa_debug -141 1 274 0.007 2008-07-01 444

Group: Not-Yet-Rated Players
name rate win loss % last_modified (rate24)

Groups are independently rated. You can not compare rates across them.

The average of the rates in a group is always 1000.


Last modified at Tue Jul 01 23:56:17 +0900 2008

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